EMDR Intensives
Therapy intensives can be useful for people whose schedules don’t allow for weekly therapy sessions or for those who want to make a larger dent in processing their past experiences. This can include longer psychotherapy sessions or EMDR intensives. These sessions allow for more processing to take place with fewer disruptions. Intensives can be 90 minute sessions ($450 per session), 2 hour sessions ($550), or longer.
More about EMDR
it’s a body-based therapy
EMDR incorporates movements that happens on both sides of the body (eye movements, tapping your arms or legs) while talking about stressful experiences. We call this processing. By adding movement, we get a better picture of how your body is storing emotions and can help your nervous system begin to separate past responses from current triggers.
it’s about internal changes, not what you share
You don't have to verbally share your past experiences in order for EMDR to be effective. We are able to process these events, even if the memories are too overwhelming to talk about.
it’s not just for trauma
The events don't have to be large-scale traumas to be worth processing with EMDR. Rejections, feelings of failure, or experiences that trigger panic can all become stuck in our bodies and cloud how we respond to new situations.
we can decide together what and how much to process
The amount of processing needed can vary depending on the intensity of the events, the number of times these events happened, and the way each person responds to their emotions.
understand your reactions
EMDR helps people understand their nervous systems, recognize moments they are triggered, and build resources that help them stay regulated. EMDR is frequently combined with talk therapy.
What Does EMDR Processing Include?
There are eight phases of the EMDR process:
We gather information. It isn't required that you share everything about your experiences, if you aren't comfortable. EMDR processing can still work.
Let's build the resources that will help you manage strong emotions (in therapy or in the real world). We review breathing techniques, imaginary visualizations, or internal resources that you already have inside of yourself. We do a lot of prep to ensure that you have the support that you need to tackle painful experiences.
Choose the negative beliefs, memories, or emotions we want to focus on in our sessions.
We start the processing, which just means a time that you focus on thinking about a past experience while you're engaged in some sort of movement (sometimes eye movements, sometimes tapping). It helps us understand how your thoughts, sensations, and beliefs are all connected. It also changes the way that memories are stored.
We begin to look at any positive feelings and thoughts that can help you through these challenging experiences.
We check in to determine if there has been any reduction in negative physical symptoms in your body. Is there any less anxiety in your stomach? Any change in how you respond to triggers?
We use the resources we built together to help manage bigger emotions that arise as we end sessions. We build the connection between the past and your understanding of what is happening to you right now.
We constantly evaluate what we have learned as we gain a deeper understanding of how life experiences continue to impact you.